Eric Briones (dit Darkplanneur)


Eric "Darkplanneur" Briones est DG du Journal du Luxe, cofondateur de Paris
School of Luxury & Crea Luxe, special luxury advisor de Catchpoint, planneur
strategique chez Darkplanning, laureat du prix special Turgot du meilleur
livre collectif pour Luxe & Resilience, auteur de Luxe & Digital, Le Choc Z,
Generation Y et le Luxe et Buzz Marketing.
CEO of Journal du Luxe, co-founder of Paris School of Luxury & Crea Luxe,
special luxury advisor of Catchpoint, strategic planner at Darkplanning,
winner of the special Turgot prize for the best collective book pour Luxe &
Resilience, also author of Luxe & Digital, Le Choc Z, Generation Y et le Luxe
and Buzz Marketing.

Contributions de Eric Briones (dit Darkplanneur)